Good Guys Go to Heaven

Movie Info:
Good Guys Go to Heaven *(Original Title: Brave Männer Kommen in den Himmel)*
The film *Good Guys Go To Heaven* is a German movie drama that deals with the dilemmas of existence, love, kindness and achievement of happiness. It focuses on Tom a middle aged ad executive who after realizing he is about to die starts examining the decisions he has made and how and what has shaped his life.
When Tom meets a strange being that claims to be his “heavenly auditor”, Tom discovers to his shock that there was a ‘score’ he needed to meet in order to qualify to enter heaven and it was based on the good deeds done in his life or those he has not done. His quest to find peace sends him on erratic but sincere mission to seek forgiveness from relatives. This tells him that salvation can be expected in the most unrelated circumstances and being a good person does not mean being white washed and covering up the real self.
Awards & Wins
– The film was nominated for the Best international Feature award at the Berlin International Film Festival.
– VoSainis in collaboration with Swiss audiences also won many podiums at ZFF and earned the Jury award for Most touching story.
Cast & Crew
Director: Hans-Jürgen Staudt*
Known for incorporating laughter with reality within a single plot, Staudt is able to create the feeling of frivolous and serious at the same time.
Key Cast: – Till Schweiger* in the role of Tom: An incisive actor’s turn as Tom’s self-centered cynicism develops into a search for purpose. – *Martina Gedeck* in the role as Clara, Tom’s former spouse, who has a close emotional where they are the pivots of the plot. – *Moritz Bleibtreu* plays the ambiguous “heavener auditor”, who is played in a humorous and intelligently interesting way. There are a few comments regarding the theatrical art, but the general impression was just above the overall “should be respected” border. The film has been rated 7:6 on IMBD and due to the effort put in makes quite an impression on the audiences combining good humor with drama and some thoughtful interpretations spanning throughout the production. Critics have particularly praised the wit and cleverness of the screenplay which was very effective at incorporating satire without appearing overbearing.
Good Guys Go to Heaven’ is an endearing combination of humor and self-reflection as well delivering on the themes of morals and redemption. However, German sensibilities are definitely a plus that brings something new. The rhythm of the movie’s flow and light humor are very refreshing and help the narrative even when dealing with serious and challenging aspects of humanity. Kaspar Kutzke and Martina Gedeck are good in the movie and bring life and depth to their characters.
The film addresses the much larger discourse of compulsive behaviors of present day – the incessant urge to ‘perform well’ against one’s dreams and the societal context.
Due to the depiction of imperfect figures who are nevertheless identifiable, this is a story that can be appreciated anywhere in the world and because of its German background, it brings a specific touch to the ethical dilemmas presented.
CInemania: Final Take
For those who find enjoyment in a combination of comedy, drama and a bit of philosophy, *Good Guys Go to Heaven* can definitely be recommended. It is a light drama that provokes thought and hope in the audience that life has not been wasted and can still be made worthwhile.